Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Cycle Continues…

The Playstation 3 arrived in the American market-place on 11/17/2006. The avid gamers were lined up in front of retailers as early as two days prior to its release date. I still do not understand this craze of having to be the first one with the game console. Being a “gamer” myself, I never wanted to get the latest version of any home video game system as soon as it hit the stores. Why, because, it is a proven fact that all of the bugs are not completely worked out! Within a couple of weeks you always hear about consoles over-heating, catching fire, or games not playing as intended. This is nothing new people; it has always been and will be this way each and every time. My rule of thumb is to wait at least a full year after the original release date before purchasing the newest version of any game console. Usually, all issues have been dealt with by then. But, I guess if we didn’t have these hard-heads that refuse to learn their lesson, the smarter, more patient gamers who wait to buy, like myself, could not write or feel good about our decision to wait to purchase one at a later date. So keep on doing what you do, you elite class of true video game junkies. You guys are the real testers that push a new console to its limits and make it better for gamers like myself to be satisfied with a defect-free product.


The R


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