Monday, November 13, 2006

Sleep is for the dead! Over the past three weeks I have not slept for more than four hours. Getting more than four hours of sleep would be a blessing.

I finally finished one major goal in my life just recently. I am now a full-fledged active member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. Hopefully enough people who know me will read this and will not over-react to my new appearance. Juggling work, school, marriage and pledging has been one of the most challenging experiences in my life thus far.

Work - I work for FedEx Express as a Ramp Agent. I have been with the company for four years now and this is my first full-time position with them. I always considered being a full-time college student my primary occupation. I started out as a package handler; the bottom of the pile (1 year), next I became a courier; I always wanted to do this (3 years), and now I am a Ramp Agent at Shreveport Regional Airport. When I started out as a handler I never was interested in this position, it was too demanding and complex. The agents knew so much, they made so many critical decisions that a person outside looking in couldn't help but wonder how crazy do you have to be to want to do this type of job. I felt the same way. "Too much responsibility for me," I just wanted to do the job I had and nothing more. Luckily, I was working for some dynamite agents at the time. They made the job fun and we were a tight crew who could hang out with each other after work. Well, fours years later here I am; a Ramp Agent for FedEx Express. I work anywhere from 40-50 hours per week. The money is good, I'm in my last four classes before I graduate; I can handle it.

School - It has been approximately 5 years since I have become a serious college student. Serious meaning that I really want a degree and I love the field that I am majoring in (Finance).
All of the late nights spent studying for exams and sacrificing season after season of the NFL is finally about to be over. "Oh, and how can I forget my beloved Playstation!" I have neglected her so badly; no new games, just the skeletons of outdated games I have already conquered a thousand times. I better fire her up soon to get the dust out.
I have never missed so many days of class in my whole college career. I am the type to show up everyday; rain, sleet, hail, snow, sickly, broken arm, whatever I'm there. Now that one event has come to pass I think I can get back on my grind and make the grades I'm used to making, A's & B's baby.


Blogger dotsmom said...

Congrats on the fraternity!

Just three weeks to go (not including exams, of course!). You can do it.

K. Smith
English 226

10:53 AM  

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